Monday 13 June 2022

An afternoon with Kosemen

C.M. Kosemen is a man, dare I say legend, who likely needs no introduction to any of you. I have been peripherally acquainted with him ever since I asked him for permission to use some of his art in one of the old APW posts. Since then, he has become a regular reader and I also provided him with photos of a Lystrosaurus from our museum collection for a life reconstruction of his. While we have yet to meet in person, after long planning, a meeting (of the minds, some would say) has now finally occurred, as you can see by the podcast above. We mainly talked about Rhynia (if you are still unfamiliar with that, go here), persistent natural history ideas that bug us, old ideas about the universe and conspiracy theories. We unfortunately did not talk as much about Johannes Kepler’s book Somnium as I would have liked to, but that is what a part 2 is always there for.

Also be sure to support Kosemen on his Patreon!

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1 comment:

  1. Good tip about creature design! I'll have to keep it in mind.
